Multisensory Learning


As a parent you may ask, ‘How can I help?’

The Brain takes in information through a variety of senses, therefore new learning requires a multisensory approach.

You can assist by ensuring your child is using a variety of senses when learning new information.

An example may relate to learning information for a test. Using a multisensory approach may involve writing out the notes, reading the notes while walking around, or recording the notes and then listening to the recording.

You may find your child prefers certain sensory methods, an important transition for your child to understanding their preferred learning method. Encourage your child to identify which methods are more successful for them, remembering it is important to incorporate more than one of the senses to assist when learning new information.




1) Pritchard, A. (2009) Ways of Learning: learning theories and learning styles in the classroom (2nd ed.) London U.K. Routledge, David Fulton Publishers

2) Rosenfeld, M & Rosenfeld, S. (2004) Developing Teacher Sensitivity to Individual Learning Differences, Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 24 (4), 465 – 486.